Hooray! It's exam time!

Of course you never mark that actual moment in reality; it's only in the future that you realise that you have indeed done your last one.
But this week has made me look back on that thought and really appreciate the fact that, yes, I'm bloody privileged to have got all that business out of the way now.
Not so for the kids at CDFLS. They should be used to it really since they're constantly tested (not to mention the fact that they have lessons from eight in the morning till as late as nine at night). The Juniors actually have tests every Sunday when they return from an all too brief weekend trip home (although they'll have spent most of the time doing their homework even there; and many kids' homes are too far away to make getting away viable so they're stuck in school permanently).
But no, you don't get used to exams do you? And it affects different people in different ways. In the run up to exam week I had classes who were completely shattered from all the work they were doing, others were more fractious, others grumpy or just subdued.

Exam time means something else entirely for us Teaching Assistants. It's a chance to relax and get away for a couple of days. It'd have been great to run those two days into a long weekend but, hey, life's not like that, is it? So some of us decided to take a day trip to Qing Cheng Shan, the mountain home of Daoism about 60 kilometres west of Chengdu.
At just 1600 metres, it's not the tallest of the Daoist sacred mountains but it still gives you fantastic views across yet more mountains from its templed peak.

It was a philosophical treatise, not really a religion at all.
Nonetheless, Qing Cheng Shan - and many more so-called 'sacred mountains' - are dotted with elegant shrines (and sometimes full blown temples) among the trees, the rocks, the springs and waterfalls. I've yet to work out why the shrines and temples are necessary at all when there's no god involved and who one is actually praying to but I'm still a novice at this. Can I get back to you on that?
One thing's for sure: I'd never make a good pilgrim. Walk up a mountain - even along beautiful paths cut over centuries among towering trees and greenness everywhere? Hell, no. To the cable car! We did, however, walk the last few hundred metres to the Shangqing Gong (which features calligraphy by Chiang Kaishek oddly enough) and the tower which crowns the summit (featuring a gaudy twelve metre tall golden buffalo which wouldn't be out of

Further gaudy gifts are available from the concessions in each shrine and, as a westerner, you're pounced on and harangued to buy buy buy. I spotted the calligraphy that tops and tails this blog entry and, even after bargaining, am sure I paid through the nose for it. From what I gather, though nothing is straightforward in translating Chinese characters to western meaning, it's to do with endurance, patience and perseverance: just what you need at exam time.
Keep looking to see your next installment but nothing. Have you given up?
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