A colder eye

I suppose it’s not quite the 9-5 routine I left behind in the UK (especially when every day begins at 6.30 with a burst of Ode to Joy or The Blue Danube Waltz or some other classical favourite blasting from the loudspeakers all around the roof of the school) but a pattern has definitely established itself. Sunday-Monday night is sleepless, wondering if what I've planned for lessons is going to work; you wouldn't believe the nightmares I've had. So Monday then comes and lessons begin. Normally one plan (either Seniors or Juniors) will be fine but the other will inexplicably bomb. Tuesday and Wednesday are spent adjusting-changing-fretting over the plan which by Thursday is starting to work and by Friday is probably the best lesson plan ever. Saturday is ring-fenced as a day-off whatever happens. Then hey, what do you know, it's Sunday again - 'Lesson Planning Day’. I’m sure it shouldn’t take a whole day but there you go.
Generally there are four lessons in a day which doesn’t sound like much but it adds up to well over 500 individual pupils each week. And, although you might be in class for as little as 80 minutes on a quiet day there’s never quite enough time to get off the campus and do anything fun.
I go to 'Cheers' of an evening; it used to be for a few beers and a book or a chat with the others but it’s become way too cold to hang around so food has become fast and beer brisk. Open to the elements on two sides, you also need to dress for dinner there now: I’ve become a ‘hoody’ since winter took hold. I’ve a fleece and a waterproof on top of that too. At least I don't get food stains on my shirts anymore.
Hoody, fleece and waterproof is the new uniform inside school as well. Heating? Pah! Get those windows open and let the fresh air in! Funny, I think it's all to do with SARS and not passing on germs but everyone will happily sneeze at a hundred miles an hour in all directions without a second thought.
At home, too, all my neighbours have their windows wide open and simply put on an extra layer as the temperature drops another degree in their living room. For me, the air conditioner is turned to ‘hot’ and blasts out warm air 24x7. It’s like living in front of a big hairdryer.
What frustrates me most, though, is my failure to make good progress with learning Chinese. With an 18 hour working week I can hardly use the excuse that “I haven’t got time” although that’s exactly how it feels. My daily routine takes me between my apartment and school and restaurant and back, during which time the only Chinese I need is the word for ‘beer’ and the phrase “pork and mushrooms”. Sometimes I’ll get into a faltering conversation there, which is great – briefly. But what I’d expected was to be immersed in a Chinese Babel where I’d simply be forced to learn or (better still) where I couldn’t help but do so.
Excuses, excuses, I know.
Another preconception was that there’d be more interaction with the Chinese teachers. (This is a little disingenuous too because at the very beginning I was incredibly relieved that we weren’t being closely monitored in case they found out I didn’t have a clue what I was doing!) One or two will stop to have a quick word as they pass in the corridor and most will smile or nod a ‘good morning’ but beyond that, nothing.
No social interaction is one thing but there’s no professional interaction either. We’ve no idea how we’re doing or whether we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing. We hardly see our boss, the Vice Principal. And when the school gets students to produce English plays for a competition no one thinks to ask the English Language Assistants to get involved. Is it possible we're only here to tick a box on a parent's checklist: native English speaking staff? Check.

They say it starts to warm up again in March. In the meantime, I’m happy to weather this downturn and just wrap up warm.
PS. Thanks Danny & Faz for your kind comments. Even if one of you is just a cat.
Hey Pat,
I sensed you were perhaps feeling a wee bit isolated. I know what it feels like to be in a strange,Foreign country, away from family and friends. I know that you are more independent than I, but it still can feel a bit daunting at times.
With regard to the lessons you prepare for the students: the very fact that you spend so much time and energy, doing your best work, does count for a hell of a lot! You may never know why some lessons seem to go down better with some students than others, but never let that leave you feeling despondent.
You can never truly appreciate the impact that you have on others lives. I remember feeling overwhelmed (to say the very least!) by the kindness and generosity when I left Cravens. I have no doubt it was the same for you?
I would stick a months wages on the fact that you are having a profound impact on those kids lives - you are someone they will remember long after they leave School.
Out here in Canada we have extremes of weather - during summer it can exceed 38c and in winter it can drop to below -40, however, we don't have the penetrating damp that you make reference to - thank God!!
Pat, have you heard of skype? (in case you haven't) It's a free way of keeping in contact with your friends and family, regardless of location. All you need is access to a PC with high speed connection, download the free software, buy a mic and headset, and away you go!
I speak to friends and family back in the UK for hours and it's free!!!
I have even been known to sit with the web cam on while getting progressively sozzled with my old drinking partner. We don't even let the seven hour time difference deter us. LOL
My understanding is that my email addy is heading your way, courtesy of Gav. (thanks Gave me old mucka!)
It would be great to hear from you!
Best wishes and Seasons greetings,
whaddya mean - just a cat!
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